Why hello there!

Welcome to Fangirls and Foundations! A lifestyle blog written by a couple of fangirls from the North of England. We're just finding our feet on the bloggersphere and don't have a bloody clue what we're doing- as usual, so feel free to help us out by letting us know what you want to read about by commenting or emailing us at fangirlsandfoundations@gmail.com we'll thank you for it. Here you'll find things from fashion to fitness and makeup to music. It's really important to us that we run this blog in an honest way and we won't big up something that's as much good as a chocolate teapot. This is because us, like may others, have been victims of bloggers hyping up products that turned out to be shit! We've had apparently one of the best foundations rip our faces to shreds and trust me it wasn't a pretty sight.That said we aren't here to slate everyone and everything, in fact we plan on regularly posting positive body image articles and confidence boosters and keeping the moaning down to a minimum. Our main objective is probably to fill a niche by being our strange selves and helping you guys find the fun stuff we do so watch this space it's bound to get interesting.

Thanks for reading and we hope to be of help! 
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About the authors

We're Shannon & Alex and we're not your usual pretty in pink bloggers so expect more fun than floral! We're both studying at Sheffield Hallam Uni - Shannon is doing Journalism and Alex is studying Creative Writing.

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